Sunday, February 24, 2019

my airbnb neighbour has really loud sex

So much has happened that going out last night feels like going out last week.

Yesterday morning my friend h and I went to the Brooklyn Flea market, then we walked over the Brooklyn Bridge where my friend, v interested in architecture, pointed out a Frank Geary building, and we walked with other tourists, talking about other joggers.

My favorite part of walking across brooklyn bridge was walking from the train station to the beginning of brooklyn bridge - the neighborhood, brooklyn heights, had such an amazing atmosphere (actually there was a sign that said the brother of harriett beacher stowe had lived there for example), which ended in a riverside promenade and its breathtaking view. I don't even know if it's a breathtaking view, for me it was just special --- the houses and charm of brooklyn heights by the bridge (residential area) and view filled me with so much happiness that I forgot about myself.

After we crossed the bridge we visited NYU and walked towards the High Line - which is a park build on an abandoned train track in the meatpacking district. Having been a hub for nightclubs and butchers alike in the 90s, it's now almost fully gentrified with fashion offices and similar. I enjoyed the walk, on one of the benches there sat a daughter with her guitar in a guitar bag with her dad, who was clearly "chilling" and it seemed like, ok, he had picked her up from practice and now they are here - for whatever reason - had to wait until they could get to their next appointment in their schedule. or maybe the dad forgot the key to their flat or something

then we walked to NYU. wait do i mess this up actually? maybe we had been to NYU before.

We had walked a lot by then and i could sense a small mood drop in my friend which may or may not have been also due to a big bottle of (sugar free but sweetened) soda he had bought by accident, mistaking it for water, but then eventually consumed it in a time span of 5 minutes - as one does with sodas.

So I suggested my favorite spot in new york - the 99c pizza at times square.

There was another emergency, he had to pee really bad (thanks to the soda i guess)

and we walked from coffee shop to coffee shop but it is nearly impossible to find good free toilets around there. So we went to the public library and walked up to the first floor to use toilets.
When you go into the library, there are guards checking your bags, but sometimes they dont even really check and just wave you through, which is also a little bit unsettling.

we finally reached 99c pizza and even though it is RIGHT AT TIMES SQUARE it is always not very crowded (lol)
I was happy to see my friend thoroughly enjoyed it, he said "from now on i dont want to spend more than a dollar on pizza"

Before we went to the 99cent pizza we went to times square - well it turns out i had been to times square, so i just looked at the street and the billboards again, as one does at times square.

before all of that acutally we saw the singer of incubus in a book store signing a book (or cds?)

I am sorry, I am messing up a lot of the events of this day because it was yesterday and today is today!

We saw a real fight near central park (i really wanted to go to central park and my friend first didnt want to because it was about to get dark but i really pushed for it like a little child) because a cyclist had hit the rear mirror of a car and it fell off and the driver stopped in the middle of the street and ran towards the biker and threw him off the bike and fought him.

I said "ok he did destroy his mirror!" my friend said "andreya people cant just hit people on the street" and he was totally right I was just so confused by what I had seen  - this guy from the car just running in the middle of the street as if something REALLY BAD had happened.

In central park we saw the lake half frozen and the ducks hanging out on the frozen part of the lake near the water, which reminded me of my pathetic fandom of catcher in the rye and holden caulfields thoughts on the ducks in the winter in central park and where they go to - he also falls into the lake a little right? and gets really ill. they now have ladders around the lake in case someone falls in. i guess you can just figure out yourself what to do with the ladder once someone falls into a hole in the frozen lake.

Now we really had walked a lot. for a second we thought about going ice skating in central park but then the skating rink was named "trump" and we didn't want to support that. I then went to my airbb and rested for 40 minutes, then went out to meet friends at a show in bushwick but had forgotten my passport.

Then I saw the show but I would say around 8pm my jetlag hits the worst until 11pm and I am in such a sleepy state that I yawn and sigh and it is uncomfortable maybe for other people because it looks like im bored lol

I walked home from the show around midnight and called a friend in LA as it is 3 h time difference.

I am actually bored to write about today but it was a good day today. my airbnb neighbour has really loud sex, im gonna try to sleep. i think im gonna write about today tomorrow, as i went to bushwick, maybe i find a better angle than just writing down what i did.

it sounds like she has really good sex im happy for her!

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